90 Years Old Best Friends From India And Pakistan Reunite


Pakistan and India are two countries born in the same territory. The partition and its consequences will never be discussed objectively between the two owing to the additional political agendas, but it was one of the deadliest partitions ever, with one million people killed, hundreds of thousands raped, and bloodshed that cannot be expressed in words. Families were split apart, and many were uprooted, never to return to their original homes. There are just a few survivors from the age that experienced the atrocities, and seeing some of them see the people they loved is heartwarming.

A daughter of Indian ancestry in the United States videotaped her 90-year-old grandfather on his way to visit his now-Pakistani closest buddy. They had been friends since they were kids, but at partition, the Pakistani buddy was forced to flee for his life, and they would never meet again. They reconnected years later in the United States and spent a week together. This was another reunion of the two youngsters, who are now 90, as they called one other by their childhood pet names and showed the younger generation what individuals went through.

This is a nice reunion:

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