Caller asked for a prayer for a fifth marriage

In a private TV show in Pakistan, a caller asked for a special prayer (wazifa) to marry a fifth wife, which led to a strong reaction from the religious scholar, who even folded his hands in disapproval.

During a private TV channel’s Ramadan transmission, an unexpected call sparked discussions on social media.

The caller claimed that he was already successfully married to four wives, and they were all happy with him. However, he now wanted to marry a fifth wife and requested a specific prayer to help him succeed in this matter.

The religious scholar was visibly shocked by the request and immediately stopped the caller.

The scholar advised him to stay away from such thoughts and focus on his current family life. He stated that if someone is still thinking about marrying again after having four wives, then something is wrong.

He further added that at this rate, the caller might end up with five or six wives and continue this behavior.