Farah Nadeem Reveals Presence Of Supernatural Force In Her House

Farah Nadeem Reveals Presence Of Supernatural Force In Her House

Farah Nadeem is an actress who has been in numerous dramas. She has been working on television for some years, and people are familiar with her style and talent. Farah Nadeem also makes frequent appearances on live and morning shows, where she discusses her personal life.

Farah appeared on Samaa News’ morning show, where she discussed her extraordinary encounter. She claimed that she had her younger son following the mannats and prayers. She had always wanted to have another son and was overjoyed when her younger son was born. But he’s had some supernatural encounters since he was a child.

She explained that her son was frequently complaining about feeling a strange presence surrounding him. The aforementioned force once starved him as well. Farah began sleeping in her son’s room and also experienced it. She later sent her son abroad, and she is relieved that he is safe and sound. She also mentioned that children born after mannats have such experiences.

Here is what she revealed:

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