Naeema Butt Reveals Actresses Paint Themselves To Look White

Naeema Butt is now dominating the screens with her powerful performance as Rubab in the popular drama Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum. Naeema Butt has performed in theatre, films, and television, and she is currently receiving a lot of praise for her work. She is also a very intelligent artist with strong beliefs based on her experience in interactive theatre and helping with victims of abuse.

Naeema Butt appeared as a guest on Something Haute. She discussed her love in art and how she ended up on television after pursuing various other opportunities. Naeema divides her time between Pakistan and New York City, where she pursues projects that she believes will leave a legacy for her work.

She acknowledged throughout the interview that colorism persists in the profession. A fellow actor initially encouraged her to cover her entire body with makeup foundation to appear white, as only white girls are cast in key roles in Pakistani shows. It shocked her to hear, but then that individual showed her photos of actresses. Wo do this and paint themselves from head to toe. She is unconcerned about such behaviors and is confident in her own skin.

This is what she shared: