Pakistani actress Maheen Siddiqui has tied the knot with actor, director, and producer Sheheryar Munawar. Photos and videos from their multiple wedding celebrations have gone viral, receiving immense appreciation from fans. The festivities concluded two days ago with their walima (reception).
Videos of the newlywed couple dancing joyfully have gone viral, drawing mixed reactions from viewers. The beautiful couple wore luxurious attire on their wedding day.
According to a report by ‘Geo News,’ the golden outfit worn by Maheen Siddiqui on her wedding day is estimated to cost around 6 million rupees.
On the other hand, the groom wore a red prince coat on his wedding day. Yesterday, Sheheryar shared pictures from their walima, showing the couple breaking tradition by opting for dark colors instead of light ones for the reception.
Sheheryar Munawar wore black, while Maheen Siddiqui donned a stunning red lehenga. Maheen’s outfit has also become a hot topic on social media, though its price hasn’t been revealed but is likely worth millions of rupees.