Yasir Hussain On How Life Changes When You Lose Your Parents

Yasir Hussain is a family man. Coming from a large family of ten siblings, he was always artistic and recognized the importance of family bonding and sticking together through thick and thin. He was very close to his father and mother, and their teachings still influence how Yasir conducts his life. In an interview with Noor ul Hassan, Yasir discussed his parents and revealed some significant details.

Yasir stated that his father had cancer, which had metastasized throughout his body. He was in a lot of agony for 9 months, and they would hear him all day. Yasir stated that after his father died, part of him felt relieved because his father was no longer in suffering. He remembers him every day, and his father is a very essential part of his life.

This is what Yasir shared:

Yasir believes that Pakistanis are often less expressive with their parents since they face financial difficulties as soon as they reach adulthood. You want to support your family, so love fades into the background. Here’s what Yasir believes: