Zara Noor Abbas Exposes Lies And Deceit Of Showbiz

Zara Noor Abbas hails from a family of gifted individuals. Her aunt Bushra Ansari and her mother, Asma Abbas, are legends. Her husband, Asad Siddiqui, was already a well-known actor when she began working in plays, and Adnan Siddiqui is Asad Siddiqui’s uncle. Zara got into drama following her marriage to Asad, and she hasn’t looked back since. She is now receiving a lot of positive feedback for her portrayal in Standup Girl.

Zara was a guest on Yasir Hussain’s The Pick & Drop Show, where she discussed her job, the demands of proving oneself, and the scripts that need to change significantly. She also discussed the fraudulent nature of award presentations in Pakistan. She stated that she wanted to inform people that all awards are phony. People who are going to win are already aware of their victory, as are those who will lose. She expressed her confusion about the purpose of these concerts, to which Yasir said that they are similar to variety shows in that those who participate get compensated for their efforts, which is wonderful.

This is what she said:

She also said that all of the celebs’ curated Instagrams are false. What celebrities, including her, post on their Instagram accounts is not factual. In reality, a person is vastly different from how they appear online.

Here’s what Zara said:

Pakistan showbizZara Noor Abbas
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