Asma Abbas On Putting Up With Flirtatious Husband


Asma Abbas hails from a very gifted family, but she paved her route to success through tenacity and hard work. She married at a young age, and her husband would not let her work in the media. She entered the profession late but rose to become one of the most popular artists in plays. She was a guest on Wasi Shah’s show, and she spoke openly about her life and experiences.

When asked about her husband’s flirting behavior, she said that all guys flirt a little. She understands that her husband adores her and has his own boundaries, so a little playful flirting is OK, and she does not mind. She explained that she is OK with this because she is her husband’s second wife and does not believe in smothering her life partner. Asma stated that a guy does not necessarily breach boundaries; sometimes mental levels just match, making for a nice discourse.

This is what she said:

She also discussed her relationship with her husband’s first wife. She expressed gratitude that her husband’s first wife welcomed her and they lived together for 12 years. Asma Abbas stated that they always lived in mutual respect and camaraderie and that her husband always struck a balance and treated both women fairly.

Here is what she had to say:

She also discussed how financial freedom alters things for women. She stated that if a wife begins earning, she gains greater respect from her husband, and that all women should be financially independent.

Listen to what Asma had to say.

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