Faiza Gillani & Imran Ashraf On One-Sided Love Advantages


Faiza Gillani appeared on Imran Ashraf’s show. She is a dynamic actor, and her fans fall in love with the characters she portrays. She has experience in various mediums and understands how to bring a character to life. She was a guest on Mazaq Raat, where she discussed one-sided love with Imran Ashraf.

They discussed one-sided love, and Faiza Gillani stated that she believes it is the purest type of love. She extended on her point by stating that in one-sided love, you cannot notice the imperfections of the person you love and are blind to anything wrong with your Mehboob. On the other hand, if you spend time with the person you love, you will begin to see their flaws since humans are flawed.

Imran Ashraf, on the other hand, stated that one-sided love is beautiful. When the situation becomes two-sided, defects emerge, one spouse becomes disloyal, or something happens to reduce the intensity of love.

Here is what the duo had to say about one-sided love:

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