Faraz Farooqui Opens Up About Akhara’s Sultan


Akhara is a one-of-a-kind narrative with a talented cast that has captivated audiences. The addition of energy, action, and sports provided flair to the drama, and Faraz Farooqui was the star whose character was the most surprising aspect of Akhara and one of the key reasons for its popularity. As Akhara comes to a close tonight, Faraz revealed some details about it.

Faraz stated that he chose this job because it allowed him to play a distinct persona on TV, unlike what is typically seen on television. He also said that he had a strict regimen in which he would consume his meals and work out in order to appear like a professional wrestler, and he is relieved that his efforts were rewarded.

This is what he shared:

He also explained why he chose a character with such short screen time. Faraz stated that he was aware that Sultan’s death would heighten the drama, and he chose to play this part because he knew he could carry it. He also revealed how he and Feroze discussed all of the brotherly bonding sequences, and Feroze assured him that this would demonstrate to the public that Pakistani actors can work hard as well.

Here is what Faraz revealed:

Faraz also talked about his friendship with Feroze and how supportive they were of each other on set while filming Akhara. They would bounce ideas off of one other, and Sultan’s persona eventually became a popular favourite.

Here is Faraz’s take:

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