Hamza Firdous Jamal Tells His Mother’s Side of the Story


Firdous Jamal recently made waves for his recent interview with YouTuber Ambreen Fatima, in which he claimed that he has left his family, and that his family is content without him. A few days ago, he made a provocative statement about his wife.

Firdous Jamal’s son Hamza Firdous has discussed his mother’s side of the tale in great detail. He also spoke about his family’s troubled relationship with their father.

When asked about it, Hamza Firdous replied, “As a son, you always want to keep your personal stuff private. But now that my father has created a documentary about our personal issues, so! I should also share my side of the tale. First and foremost, I’d want to inform you that my mother has seized Khula from my father. “No woman wants to have Khula after 35 years of marriage.”

He went on to say “my mother stayed in a complicated relationship with my father, she survived through thick and thin, she lived all her life in pain and troubles in the hope of good times but in our case nothing got better” .

Hamza Firdous Jamal went on to say, “A decent person can have a nasty side. Many of our media professionals are aware of the flaws of actors or media personalities. I don’t need to go into detail; the fraternity is well aware of the situation. However, Allah has kept media-related information secret from ordinary people.”

He also alluded at his father’s flaws, stating that his father had many poor habits that were hard for them as a family, and that they had addressed matters with his father’s brothers, but he refused to recognize his mistakes and went against his children and wife.

Here is the link to the video:

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