How Bond With Father Affected Sonya Hussyn’s Romantic Relationships


Sonya Hussyn is Pakistan’s top actress and model. She is a self-made star who has overcome numerous obstacles to obtain her current position. Sonya Hussyn recently purchased a home for her family, which is one of her most significant accomplishments, and she has also mended her connection with her father. As a guest on Wasi Shah’s show, Sonya Hussyn became emotional and discussed some previously unknown aspects of her life.

Sonya claimed that her parents’ marriage issues affected her bond with her father as she grew up. It was always difficult, and she didn’t recognize it until years later, when she began a relationship. Her ex advised her to seek treatment because she desired the safety and comfort that a girl receives from her father in such relationship. This is a psychological condition that is extremely frequent over the world. Sonya had to seek assistance for this.

Here is what she shared:

Sonya, as an adult, took the effort to express her love to her father. He was quite emotional and sobbed a lot. She is now trying to make as many amends to their relationship as possible. Her father is not particularly demonstrative, but he makes it clear that he is proud of her and her accomplishments.

This is what Sonya revealed:

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