How Single Parent Home Effected Srha Asgr’s Life


Srha Asgr is an extremely brilliant actress, dancer, and choreographer. She has appeared in numerous excellent dramas during her career, and she manages her personal and professional lives admirably. She married in a small ceremony, and she and her husband, Lala Umer, have a son, Ehan, and are expecting their second child shortly.

Srha Asgr spoke on Mom Sense, hosted by Zara Noor Abbas Siddiqui, and discussed her experiences as a mother and a woman. She explained that she comes from a single-parent household. Her father died while she was very young, and her brothers were like father figures to her. She never felt like she was missing out on anything, and she had never witnessed couple disputes at home, so she was unfamiliar with husband-wife arguments. As a result, she has embraced this dynamic in her life.

This is what she shared:

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