Jannat Mirza’s Sister Responds To Criticism On Groomless Rukhsati


Jannat Mirza is one of Pakistan’s most popular social media personalities. Her entire family is engaged on social media, and they have a following. The family broadcasts their festivities and events with their supporters on the internet, forming public views on them. Jannat’s sister Sehar Mirza celebrated her Rukhsati last week, following a series of activities that included magnificent dholkis, a Bollywood night, and other festivities.

When people discovered that this opulent wedding took place without a groom, they reacted strongly. Yes, Sehar’s Nikkah was done online while her spouse was at a restaurant, and he was unable to attend the proceedings in Pakistan. Everyone had an opinion on this online Nikkah, and there were still several festivities taking place while the groom was not present.

Here is the groom less Nikkah’s arrival into her new home after Rukhsati:

Sehar has now responded with her statement. She stated that because she had become Nikkahfied, the rukhsati was inevitable. Her dulha will be here, and she is not pleased with the criticism that has arisen. Here is Sehar’s comment about everything that happened on the internet:

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