Javed Kodu Emotionally Shares Insulting Behaviour Of Society


Javed Kodu is a Punjabi theatrical performer who has faced insults from society throughout his life due to his height. Javed Kodu has been through a lot recently because of his health problems. The actor has been serving the arts for over three decades and continues to make people laugh and smile with his comedy. As a guest on Wasi Shah’s show, he discussed the anguish he has experienced in his life as a result of the insulting behavior he has had to tolerate.

Javed stated that he has witnessed a lot of behavior from society in general and his colleagues in particular. A producer once mocked him during the height of his fame. He said some extremely nasty things to him, and Javed believed that he did not deserve respect because he was a small person. He continued on with his life, until one day his gigs were booked due of his presence.

Javed Kodu Shares Insulting Behaviour of Society

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