Javeria Saud Sharing her thoughts after receiving Electricity Bills


Javeria and Saud are devout believers who also attempt to instill a love of Islam in their children. Saud hails from a really spiritual family. His sister is also a decorated Qariah, and his father was a very well-known Qari/reciter. Javeria also comes from a family that practices Aitekaf and gives generously, and Saud is a Hafiz himself. Therefore, the pair has made an effort to uphold all of those principles, and they are also modeling this behavior for Jannat and Ibrahim. However, because they are famous, people do condemn them for their religious beliefs.

Javeria Saud shared her thoughts after receiving the electricity bill this month. Everyone worried due to the high prices of electricity bills and people shared their thoughts in different ways. Lower-class people try to attempt suicide due to the high prices of electricity bills. All Pakistani celebrities pray for all people who are facing this problem.

Here is the link to the Javeria Saud Video Watch the Complete Video:

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