Juggan Kazim’s DIY Mask For Soft Feet And Hands


Juggan Kazim is an incredibly attractive and brilliant actor and host. She has been hosting the longest-running live morning show on PTV, and she has made a strong comeback in Damas, where she is picking up important stories. She is a mother of three and enjoys sharing her experiences and knowledge with the world. Juggan has created a DIY Eid mask that everyone is going to enjoy.

She was seated with her adorable baby girl, sharing the recipe for a DIY mask that can give your baby beautiful feet and hands. Hard callouses on the feet are a common problem for many people, and Juggan Kazim’s mask will help you combat them.

She said that combining rice flour, gram flour, baking soda, lemon juice, and rose water can result in a mask. She noted that it should not be changed into a watery consistency, but rather drier. Apply it and you’ll be ready to go for Eid ul Adha preparations.

Check out the recipe for a DIY mask:

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