Kanwal Aftab And Zulqarnain Sikandar’s Daughter Aizal’s Aqeeqa


The new celebrities are the TikTokers. Many well-known figures have emerged on Pakistan’s TikTok platform, and fans adore watching their travel videos. Before they met, TikTok stars Zulqarnanin Sikandar and Kanwal Aftab had amassed sizable followings. Their admirers enjoy seeing them together now that they are married. They now share their daily activities and travels with their followers on YouTube. Aizawl Zulqarnain, the daughter of the two TikTok celebrities, was born recently. It’s always fun to watch the young cutie, who appears alongside their parents in all of their videos.

Aizawl Zulqarnain was celebrating her Aqeeqa, and her parents made a big deal out of the occasion. In honor of Aizal’s doll house-themed Aqeeqa, the mother-daughter pair were both dressed in pink dresses, and Zulqarnain was similarly attired. The video of Zulqarnain and Kanwal with their daughter Aizal from her Aqeeqa is provided below:

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