ken_doll Criticize on Pakistan Celebrities


Adnan Zafar, better known as Ken Doll, is a well-known influencer from Pakistan. He resides in Dubai and frequently travels to Pakistan. People adore Adnan for his flair, wonderful sense of humor, and how desi at heart he is because he is entertaining and really relatable. We have seen Adnan host celebrities from the performing and media industries whenever they visit Dubai. He is friends with many famous people in Pakistan. His humorous movies and commentary sections are adored by millions of people, and he is good friends with Faryal Makhdoom.

Recently Ken Doll uploaded a video on Instagram in which Ken Doll criticizes Pakistani celebrities for wearing vulgar dressing. He says “Your style reflects your personality You go to any style award show or event and there you have your legs out and your belly is visible, so it means you have a great personality. Traditional outfits give a modern touch to the fit you will have a traditional versatile personality”. He gives advice to Pakistani actresses whenever you wear something you are representing your staff. it’s not about showing all over. It is all about representing your culture and tradition.

Here is the link to the Ken doll’s complete video:

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