Kiran Tabeir Shared her Daughter’s birthday highlights


Kiran Tabeir has been working in this field for a long time. She has worked on various excellent productions, and her acting skills are impressive to everyone. She entered the field by battling the entire globe, and as the years went by, she demonstrated her mettle. She also gained a lot of notoriety for her dual roles as Shiza and Fiza, turning into a beloved meme. Another major role she portrayed in her career was Saeeda, the adored sister of Parizaad. Since the birth of her baby Izzah, Kiran has withdrawn from the spotlight and is not taking on many ventures. She intended to take a brief break and maximize her time with her family

Izzah turned one recently, and Kiran went above and beyond to make the occasion memorable. With Kiran’s husband present for the party, Kiran and Izzah both appeared like stunning princesses as they cut the cake. These lovely images of the family were taken on Izzah’s first birthday.

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