Momal Sheikh’s Husband Credits Baby For Her Bollywood Luck


Momal Sheikh is the daughter of renowned superstar Javed Sheikh and the sister of Shahzad Sheikh, however, her family has not allowed her to pursue a career in film. She began working in production behind the scenes and had always wanted to perform, but her father would not give her permission. Her husband, Nader Nawaz, encouraged her to pursue a career in show business after they married.

The pair appeared on Shan e Suhoor with Nida Yasir and discussed their lives after marriage, their relationship with their separate families, and their love and admiration for one another. They also discussed Momal’s acceptance of a Bollywood film offer and how she managed to make it work despite having recently given birth to her first child, her son.

Nader stated that she received an offer from the director of the film because they wanted just her for the role, and even though her father, who was also in the film, was not convinced, the director pursued her for the job. Nader stated that it was their baby’s luck that Momal was given the project, which he informed her about. He persuaded her to do the film, saying that every kid brings luck, and you got the film because of their baby’s auspicious birth.

Here is what he stated:

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