Mujhe Pyaar Hua Tha Episode 21 Leaves Fans Devastated


In terms of views, Mujhe Pyaar Hua Tha, starring Wahaj Ali and Hania Aamir, is a success. Despite the fact that there are a lot of complaints about the drama, Wahaj Ali’s presence has helped it become popular and one of the season’s top shows. After 21 episodes, Saad and Maheer’s non-love story and whatever is going on with Areeb remain stagnant while the other half of their family is either sick or dead. Saad’s father is the most recent to pass away. After already going through a lot, Saad and Neelo losing their father made for an emotional episode.

All of the show’s viewers were moved to tears by Saad, who plays Wahaj Ali, and Neelo, who plays Rabya Kulsoom, after their excellent performances. After episode 21, Wahaj Ali’s breakdown in the automobile became the news of the town, and Rabya Kulsoom sobbed in a scene.

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