Muneeb Butt Has The Cutest Swim Lessons With Little Amal Muneeb


Muneeb Butt is a talent who has made a name for himself in the profession through his tenacity and perseverance. He is wed to Aiman Khan, another famous actress with millions of followers. They create a formidable power pair, and people adore the way they have always conducted themselves. Their admirers also adore and follow the details of their family life. They were blessed with a daughter named Amal Muneeb, and as soon as she made her online debut on her parents’ pages, she won hearts everywhere.

Muneeb Butt is an extremely involved parent who enjoys being involved in all aspects of his daughter’s life. He sets aside time particularly so he may spend it with Amal and take her on excursions. Amal is currently learning to swim, and her father took her for lessons as he also had some quality time with the child. MuneebButt captured the entire scene on video so that his viewers may witness the tender father-daughter interaction he shared with Amal.

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