Nadia Jamil Reveals Important Ethics Children Should Know


Nadia Jamil is an actress, activist, and NLP coach from Pakistan who is a passionate advocate for children and the downtrodden. She began her public campaign for children after the Kasur event was shown on television. She had been dealing with children long before then, and she is also an abuse survivor who has thrived. She is a mother herself, and she has witnessed many health difficulties throughout her life.

Nadia was a guest on Masarrat Misbah’s show, where she discussed the basic principles she has taught her children and the ideals she has instilled in their daily routines. She claimed she had trained her children to greet everyone with a Salam. They will greet everyone they meet, particularly those in the service business, such as security guards. She stated that you should educate your children to say Salam even if you have to ask them four times since it is basic and vital.

She also mentioned that exercising is very essential to her. She has instilled in her boys the need of regular exercise. She has also enrolled her little daughter Noori in ballet classes to help her become more athletic, something she saw as vital given her lack of interest in exercise.

Here is what she shared:

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