Neelam Muneer HD Barat Pictures


Neelam Muneer is a famous Pakistani television artist who has received enormous adoration of fans for her remarkable performances in several blockbuster TV series. Her most renowned works include Kahin Deep Jalay, Dil Moum Ka Diya, Dil Nawaz, Bikhray Moti, Khumaar, Ehraam-e-Junoon, Qaid-e-Tanhai, and others. Neelam also has an impressive Instagram following of 7.8 million. The actress is now making headlines for her stunning and personal wedding ceremony, which occurred in Dubai.

Today, Neelam Muneer and Abdul Samad Zia posted stunning HD photos from her Barat celebration. The actress donned a traditional crimson lenhga that was highly embroidered with gold work. Her groom likewise wore a classic off-white Sherwani. Both looked adorable together. Haseens made Neelam Muneer’s clothing, while Sana Sarah Salon did her makeup. Here are the photos we’ve gathered for you:

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