Omair Rana Gets Emotional Talking About Late Daughters


Omair Rana is one of Pakistan’s top talents. He is a tutor to many performers and constantly captivates the audience with his performances. Omair is one of the rare musicians who freely discusses social and political concerns and seeks to create awareness about what is important to him. He is married to his wonderful wife Maira Rana, who is also a writer, and we often get to see some fantastic sights from her perspective.

Omair and Maira have had a tragic experience as parents, and Omair has already spoken about it. The couple lost their twin girls just before they were going to be delivered, which was one of the most painful events in their life. Omair told Samina Peerzada how frightening this was for their entire family and something they would never forget.

Omair became upset during his most recent conversation with Iffat Omar as he discussed his late daughters. He said that he refers to his daughters as “Titliyan” which means butterflies, and that he has learned to accept the loss over time. Omair also mentioned spending time with his babies every year on their death anniversary. He went on to say that he feels he must earn his way into paradise by doing well to meet them one day.

Here’s what he shared.

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