Post in favor of Palestinians after criticism of Ayeza Khan


Ayeza Khan after facing criticism, shared a prayer post in favor of the Palestinians at the request of her fans.

Ayeza khan shared a story in which she prayed for the victory of the Palestinians. He has shared a picture of the first Qibla of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, with which he has written a few words of prayer.

It should be noted that for the past month, the Israelis have continued to bombard the houses, shelters, schools, parks, hospitals, and ambulances of innocent Palestinians. The number of Palestinian martyrs targeted by Israeli aggression has exceeded 11,000, including 4,800 children and 3,000 women.

Actress Ayeza Khan had kept silent on this matter, on which her fans and users had taken her with open arms and asked why her silence.

While answering the fans’ questions, the actress clarified that for her it is better to pray for her than to post on social media. For which she once again faced severe criticism from social media users and fans. had to do Later, the actress deleted the said social media post, but now, at the request of her fans, she has shared the post and prayed for the Palestinians.

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