Public Reacts To Aima Baig Leaving Pakistan
Aima Baig is the most successful female vocalist of this generation. She has been working as a playback vocalist for several years, having performed at concerts and contributed her voice to many well-known faces in plays and films. Aima Baig has faced her fair share of controversy, but she is still flying high, and her music is popular all over the world.
Ama Baig startled her admirers when she announced on social media that she was leaving Pakistan. She was going to conduct Umrah and would not return to the country anytime soon. Her stories were dramatic enough to cause alarm among her devotees. Here’s what Aima Baig posted:

She then stated that she is only on an extended trip and will not be leaving Pakistan. She stated that all artists must live out of a suitcase, and she will be doing the same. People began reacting to Aima’s stories when they believed she was leaving Pakistan permanently. Here is what they said: