Saba Faisal Says Men And Women Are Not Equal


Saba Faisal is a celebrity noted for her acting abilities, candidness in interviews, and elegance. She is also a highly family-oriented woman who speaks up when she believes something is vital. Her two sons and daughter are all in the entertainment industry, and her family is well-known in the media. She has a very successful married life and has always given advise to people about marriage.

Saba Faisal appeared on Ahmed Ali Butt’s show and discussed the reality of men and women’s relationships. She stated that while this may sound controversial, men and women are not equal. Her own mother taught her to walk one step behind her husband and always look to him for assistance. This is something she’s always done.

Saba Faisal said that a guy always seeks respect, and she always respects her spouse. She delegated all significant family decisions to him because men are better decision makers than women are emotionally. She also suggested that a woman present her point of view and try to persuade the man. She should allow him make the final decision on whether he is a man worthy of that regard.

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