Saba Faisal’s Son Arsalan Faisal Barat Pictures


Arsalan Faisal is a talented Pakistani model and actor who has acted in a variety of dramas such as Shehnai, Rishtay Biktay Hain, Hassad, Baydardi, Babban Khala Ki Betiyan, Dastaar-e-Anaa, Bohtan, Aangan, Mein Mehru Hoon, and Bay Khudi. Saba Faisal’s son is Arsalan Faisal. Arsalan Faisal’s wedding festivities in Lahore began last week with Dholki and Mayun/Mehndi ceremonies. Saba Faisal hosted a lovely and modest Ubtan/Mayun gathering at her house. Pictures from the incident went viral as well.

Arsalan Faisal is an accomplished Pakistani model and actor who has been in a number of dramas including Shehnai, Rishtay Biktay Hain, Hassad, Baydardi, Babban Khala Ki Betiyan, Dastaar-e-Anaa, Bohtan, Aangan, Mein Mehru Hoon, and Bay Khudi. Arsalan Faisal is Saba Faisal’s son. The Dholki and Mayun/Mehndi rituals for Arsalan Faisal’s wedding in Lahore began last week. Saba Faisal’s home held a charming and modest Ubtan/Mayun party. Pictures from the event also went viral.

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