Sabeena Farooq Looks Ethereal In Latest Bridal Shoot


Sabeena Farooq is currently the hottest thing, and she has been successful in winning people over with her powerful performances. She has been in numerous shows in supporting roles, and most recently, she gained considerable notoriety for her portrayal of Haya in Tere Bin. People simply fell in love with how awful Haya was because she gave it everything, and now, as the stunning Barbeena in Kabli Pulao, the debut hit from Green Entertainment, she is slaying hearts

Since her time as Barbeena started airing on television, Sabeena’s fan base has increased dramatically. She recently completed a bridal photo, and in classic red and gold, she looked angelic as she whirled and provided some fashion inspiration for future brides. She was undoubtedly the Kabli Pulao bride that viewers wanted to see, and it appears that they will soon be able to view the photo shoot and rejoice. The following images are from Sabena Farooq’s bridal photo shoot

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