Sadia Imam Pictures from Karbala Iraq


As we all know, the month of Muharram holds great religious significance due to Hazrat Imam Hussain and his companions’ sorrowful and weeping Shahadat. It is the first month of the Islamic calendar. Muslims around the world observe Muharram with great sadness and anguish. Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) was Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W)’s beloved grandson who refused to surrender, fought valiantly, and was killed in the Battle of Karbala. Muslims mark Muharram with both grief and reverence. Many Pakistani celebrities adhere to the Ahl E Tashie sect. Celebrities frequently upload images from Karbala, Iraq.

Sadia Imam uploaded a stunning Instagram reel from her recent trip to Karbala, Iraq. Sadia Imam makes frequent visits to Iraq, particularly during the month of Muharram. This year, she shared stunning photos from her vacation.

Also see the Instagram reel shared by Sadia Imam on 9th & 10th Muharram:

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