Ulema’s Strong Verdict On Nikah Scenes In Pakistani Dramas


Ulema E Karam are educated and knowledgeable Islamic philosophy and law professor. They are regarded as the custodians, transmitters, and interpreters of Islamic knowledge in Islam. They use their extensive knowledge to give answers to difficulties per the Quran and Sunnah. In Pakistan, the majority of Muslims look to Ulema E Karam for guidance in their lives.

Islamic scholars have recently made news on television and social media for their active engagement in television shows during the holy month of Ramadan. A video clip of a scholar is becoming popular on Instagram and Facebook, in which the scholar claims that the Nikah solemnized in the play scene is a real Nikah; hence, drama producers should take the appropriate precautions to avoid such a situation.

He stated that according to the nikah scenes, many spouses and wives work in the entertainment sector. First, view the video:

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