What did Nawal Saeed say about real love with a fellow actor?


Nawal Saeed has shared her intentions regarding marriage. She recently appeared as a guest on a private TV show, where she answered interesting questions from her fans during a segment.

During the show, a fan asked the actress about an interview where she mentioned falling in love with a fellow actor during a shoot. The fan inquired about the actor’s name and whether she had worked with him again.

The actress humorously responded, saying, “Why should I tell you the name of the actor? Why would I tell you everything and become your best friend?”

She added, “In the interview, I mentioned that I fell in love with this fellow actor during the shoot, and he also developed feelings for me, but that love wasn’t successful. Therefore, I will not mention the actor’s name at all.”

Nawal Saeed further explained that she keeps her work separate from her personal life, and if she meets that actor again, she will do so with great respect.

Another fan asked the actress about her on-screen roles as a bride in dramas and when she would become a bride in real life, also asking what kind of man she is looking for to marry.

She replied, “I haven’t thought about marriage yet because my focus is solely on my work, and I am currently happy living this independent life with my parents.”

Nawal Saeed added, “When I think about marriage or decide to get married, I will inform my fans first.”

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